Cooking at Home

- 50g butter
- 3 – 4 pcs white bread or sourdough
- 500 ml low salt chicken stock
- 100ml coconut milk/ cream
- 100 ml Kikkoman soy sauce
- 100g of crispy bacon crumbled (see note )
- 1 package instant noodles, prepared to instruction
- 2 eggs boiled, peeled and soak in extra Kikkoman soy sauce
- 1 bunch of shallots or green onion cut into batons approx. 5cm in length
- 100ml vegetable oil for frying
- 4 slices crispy bacon not crumbled
- 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
- 10 g buttered bread crumbs from above
- Salt and pepper for seasoning
- 50g optional tofu diced 1cm x 1cm
Tempura batter
- 1 cup of flour
- 10g of cornflour
- 1 egg
- 60 ml of soy sauce
- 200ml cold soda water
- Icecubes
Whisk together, must be cold to get a crispy batter
Kikkoman sauce used in this recipe
18min Serves
2 Cook time
10min Prep time
18min Serves
2 Cook time
10min Prep time
Breakfast Egg, Bacon & Buttered Toast Ramen
- Heat oven to 180 degrees. On a baking tray heavily butter the bread on both sides, Place in oven and cook until bread becomes toasted and brown. Roughly crush into a crumb.
- Meanwhile, bring chicken stock to the boil in a medium pot on the stove. When Boiled add in the milk, soy sauce, crumbled bacon and all but 10g of the bread crumbs. Bring back to the boil. Take off heat and blend the liquid with a stick blender till its smooth. Sit on the side
- Divide cooked and prepared noodles between two bowls. Also, divide and halve the cooked eggs between the bowls sit them on top of the noodles. Next, neatly place the batons of spring onion.
- In a frypan of oil heat up on medium heat. Dip the bacon pieces into tempura batter and carefully place in hot oil to make crispy tempura bacon. Place on absorbent paper towel once cooked.
- Place tempura bacon next to the eggs and a ½ a spoonful of parsley neatly in the bowl. Add optional tofu.
- Pour the hot buttered toast ramen broth equally divided between the two bowls. Sprinkle with remaining buttered toast crumbs over the ramen.
- Serve immediately
Key tip
Crispy Bacon
Preheat Oven to 180 degrees, place the bacon on baking paper on a baking tray. Place a similar size baking tray on top to keep bacon flat, bake bacon for 5 mins or until crispy.